Saturday, December 15, 2012


I am in shock and sick to my stomach over the senseless act in Newton CT yesterday!

This day will be etched in history. The 20 children and 6 adults that lost there lives are being paid tribute to all over The country!

As the new unfolded my desire to get home and hug my kids! Now more than ever, and especially so close to a family holiday season, I cherish my family!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Another year gone...ALREADY!

MacAskill Oct 2012
I am finding it hard to believe that the Christmas holiday season is just around the corner! When i look back at this year, I see smiles and fun times!

I have suffered heartache this year, as I am sure many of you have! My Aunt is having issues with her health and on continue to pray for her. I have also dealt with the loss of a very close colleague, Oct 14th will be burned into my memory as this is the day that the world lost Pat Goodfellow! I enjoyed the days I worked with him and am overjoyed to have had the pleasure to have him be part of my life.

We had a lot of great family time this summer with a lot of camping! This was a great summer for weather and it couldn't have been more perfect! I very much look forward to the coming summer season. May will be my new favorite month as it will be the month I get to break out the trailer each year!

Here is to a great Holiday season, with lots of laughs and hugs!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First day of grade 1

Landon had a great first day of grade one! He doesn't seem excited or bummed about starting school.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Well we are half way through summer and we have had a blast and I really don't want it to end, and I wish I had more vacation time!

Kendall has also been able to have some time off, this usually doesn't happen in the summer. I am so pleased that her has been able to spend time with us camping and beaching around!

We have pretty much camped most weekends! The 2nd new trailer is much bigger and easier to be in with the kids. At least we are not tripping over each other when inside. We did a 4 day trip in July and I wish it was longer! The new trailer makes camping for longer lengths of time easier and more desirable!

Landon has had a great time with soccer! He has had a few goals and the team mates he has on his team were great!

Our only incident this summer was Avery splitting her head open! Her and Landon had a bit of fight and well it ended badly for Avery! Landon felt awful and was very worries about his sister! A few hair knots glued together and she was good as new!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Canada Day weekend!

So this weekend we celebrate the birth of Canada! We plan to camp at Dollar Lake with some family and friends!

Kendall is hoping to catch some fish with his dad and enjoy a few boat rides! I am looking forward to relaxing and some nice weather!

New truck and 3 Wheeler!

We finally found a truck that Kendall and I agrees on! He is getting all his toys that he has always wanted. He deserves them, Kendall is such a hard worker and His bike will allow him some more "me" time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New truck and 3 Wheeler!

We finally found a truck that Kendall and I agrees on! He is getting all his toys that he has always wanted. He deserves them, Kendall is such a hard worker and His bike will allow him some more "me" time!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer....dare I say it is here!

We have had a great week for weather! I just wish it would hold for the weekend! I think I need to start taking the work week off and work the weekends!

The rain will let me catch up on house work that needs to be done! Camping and having so much on the go is starting to take its toll on the house!

Soccer is in full swing Landon is loving it! He played last night and scored two goals! I am so proud of him.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers day!

We had a great day with the kids! We have never been to the playground on the Halifax Commons and the kids have always asked to go there! So off we went! It is a great spot, I think it was extra busy where there was a street hockey tournament close by.

We then ventured to Bayers lake and stopped to visit Jodi at her new apartment, really nice place! I hope she is happier there!

We had supper at mom and dad's it was a great BBQ, over all a great day! I would have loved a repeat but back to work and reality.....

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shopping Day

A few months ago Kendall and I started a new budget and have been very good at not waisting money. The time has come that I need to finally go shopping.

Summer clothes for the kids are the main items. Fingers crossed I find what I want with ease. I would also love for the kids to behave, this will make the day go much smoother!

Wish me luck!

Friday, June 15, 2012

New phone

Ok so finally upgraded to an iPhone so maybe With the blogs at my finger tips I can stay true to my New Years resolution and blog more!
Although with playing on the phone tonight and setting it up like the iPad nothing is getting done around the house and there is lots to do!

We have a weekend full of summer clothes shopping and getting ready for father's Day. Kendall is helping set up an awning for his dad for Father's day. He has had it for a year so his present is to finally get it installed to enjoy it this summer!

Check in with ya later!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New addition

I know that I am not following my resolution about blogging more.....sorry!

Although I do have fantastic news! I have a new niece! Myla Catherine MacAskill joined us on June 1st 2012, proud parents Alex and Sheena are tired but enjoying every moment!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New camper!

I can't wait to take our new trailer camping.... We have purchased this a year before we planned to, and I hope that doesn't bite us in the arse later! I am just completely excited about our first camping trip!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I think spring is here! I am super excited! I don't want to jinx myself so I won't touch this subject any more!

Nan is getting released on Monday she has had a long road and I bet she is happy to be getting home!

March break this week with the kids I am happy to be off all week with them, swimming playing at the park, a movie and some playmates are on the schedule! Should be a great week!

Landon has had a great start! A play date with his friend Avery and then a sleepover with his cousin Zach!

Today is the sports and RV show for the boys and another baby shower for heather followed by a women's celebration with christine at the legion for the girls! Then to top our weekend off we are having supper with mike and Amy!

All of this and great weather! Now let's hope I didn't jinx myself!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just to catch up!

We have had a whirl wind of a week here at the house! Nan vincent had surgery this week and I have been worrying about her a lot, I did get into see her on Friday night. It was a bit of a shock to see her as she has lost weight that she didn't really have to lose in the first place, she is doing very well though! Recovering but by bit slowly but surely. Each day Nan is doing something and progressing.

The weather is very much back and forth. One day we are at plus 4 and the next minus 10! Hasn't made for great walking routine! But the dome sure has helped! Hopefully this week will be less eventful and I will get 3 or more training sessions in for my C25K!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Winter is here!

It is so cold here and I think this snap is gonna last a few days! :(

So much for walking out side, although the kids are enjoying the snow. Kendall not so much!

My countdown is still on for the sprin.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Oh the joys of Saturday errands, I am looking forward to a weekend planned with just family events, no errands!

Some day! For now we have to make the best of the weekend spending time running errands!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Exercise exercise!

Another great night walking! I am looking forward to getting back into my running training.

Loving the new dome's walking trail. Landon and I are going to hit it up again tomorrow. I should be abel to start my running in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Enjoyed a walk twice over

Well I did get to sneak in a bit of winter activity today. I enjoyed two walks outside! What sucks is that now that we had a bit of a tease of half decent weather it is going to get supper cold again!

Landon and I are going to enjoy some indoor activity at the dome in Lantz, I am loving the indoor walking track.

Guess you don't HAVE to be cooped up all winter long!

Winter Blues

Boy oh boy am I ever feeling the ups and downs! I can't wait for winter to be over cause I know this is the issue!

Early dark nights, dark mornings, not being able to get out with the kids after supper and play.

I am very much feeling the winter blues.

Only a couple more months and I will be ok! Now would be the perfect time to take a vacation to a beach! If only the house didn't need so much work! As we usually say.....maybe next year!

How do you get through the winter blues?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting together more!

Today I am off to my Friend Andrea's fathers funeral. He past suddenly last week due to heart issues!

It is never a good thing to get together on occasions such as this although it seem like they are the only time we do get together. Setting time a side for more family and friends is a must.

Kendall and I have actually discussed disconnecting our TV as we really don't watch it too much and probably wouldn't miss it at all. I may try a month's disconnection just as a trial. I am hoping that by spending less time with our electronics that we will spend more time with each other!

Mom is going through some medical stuff an is going for testing regarding her digestive system. Fingers crossed it doesn't turn out to be anything serious. I also found out this weekend that my grandfather is possible suffering from pancreatic cancer. This is what his father passed from and I guess grampy's counts are very high for his age like 5 times the amount they would like to see them at. He goes for more testing this month.

Well until we meet again! hope your winter is going smoothly! the groundhog says only 6 more weeks until Spring! :)

so much for my resolution!!! I didn't follow one of my resolutions very well! We are 13 days into 2012 and this is one of my first blogs this year! So much for my daily or weekly, This week has been an exciting week I. Our house as out little girl is growing up! Avery has had no soother now for 5 days and she is close to bering completely potty trained! Thanks to my mom whom has helped kick me in the but to get this ball rolling! Now to decide if we do want another one!i was looking at baby pics tonight of Avery and somedays I desire the feeling of pregnancy so bad.....and then there are other days whe. I remember how much I am enjoying my sleep! Only time will tell! I am expecting the arrival of a new niece or nephew in June so maybe that will cure my desire! Well until next time ....later May god be with little Meera Belle and watch over her as she moves through this difficult phase in her life!